Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What NOT to do before/at a band competition

Before you go to a competition, you should think well to read this and refrain from doing the following things:

1. Break up with your significant other.
Susa Fonia and her boyfriend Brad Pittman (He used to go by Pittman, but it was hard for many drum line members to remember so he just goes by Pitt) were doing just fine until Pitt met Clara Nettle. Pitt soon dumped Susa, who was devastated and cried uncontrollably for minutes. Then, the next day, when their band stepped off for a parade, Susa went crazy and began to flail her arms while screaming like a banshee. She swung her sousaphone around crazily. People did fly.

2. Slap an enemy.
This causes wars.

3. Slap a friend.
This creates enemies.

4. Feed your snail.
 Bad for stoplights and band competitions alike.

5. Drink two large cans of a popular energy drink.
There typically are no bathrooms on the buses or the football fields.

Don't do these things, and you will surely be emotionally and physically stable, and have a more successful experience at your next band competition!

(post number one!)

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